"Alert" Pretty cafe for took photo!!!! Many beautiful photo are showing up in the instagram taken in this place and of course curiosity over me. This cafe name is Sky Line Located in the Ruko bukit golf regency Unit BM/BN. Their phone is +6281260140567.
This cafe is from 1st until 2nd floor and the "hits" spot to photo is on 2nd floor and this is it~
This cafe is from 1st until 2nd floor and the "hits" spot to photo is on 2nd floor and this is it~
Kafe cantik buat kami yang suka foto!! Banyak banget lihat foto-foto bagus di Instagram yang di ambil di tempat ini. Tentu jadi penasaran buat mampir dan foto-foto, Nama cafenya skyline. Berlokasi di Ruko bukit golf regency Unit BM/BN, dan nomor telpnya : +6281260140567.
Aslinya cafe ini 2 lanai tapi yang jadi tempot hits buat fotonya itu yang di lantai 2nya, dan inilah dia~
Well, not just for took a beautiful photo, this cafe also have delicious food that must to try.
Then recommend food or beverages that should try if came to this cafe are:
Nggak tanya buat tempot foto cantik, cafe ini juga punya makanan yang mesti di coba.
Rekomendasi dari aku yang mesti di coba itu :
I really love this <3
Aku suka banget sama yang satu ini <3
Carrot Cake (Kue Wortel)
This one is little bit weird but, when i ate it. i'm not really tasted carrot i this cake and it was delicious!!!! if you visit this cafe this one is On the "must to try" list~
Kue yang satu ini sedikit aneh, tapi pas aku coba. Rasa wortelnya ga seberapa kok dan ini sangat enak!!!! Salah satu menu yang mesti dicoba cala berekunjung ke cafe ini~
This one is little bit weird but, when i ate it. i'm not really tasted carrot i this cake and it was delicious!!!! if you visit this cafe this one is On the "must to try" list~
Kue yang satu ini sedikit aneh, tapi pas aku coba. Rasa wortelnya ga seberapa kok dan ini sangat enak!!!! Salah satu menu yang mesti dicoba cala berekunjung ke cafe ini~
Beside the Carrot cake i also recommend you to try their layers cake
First pic is flavor and Second pic is Taro
Selain kue wortel kalian mesti coba kue lapis?
Yang foto pertama ini rasa dan yang kedua rasa Taro/ Ubi.
Well, i'm not came here alone. I'm with my partner in crime, Jessica Ie~
She also blogger and have her own blog :)
we took a picture in every spot in there, and just scroll down to see the picture.
Tentunya aku gak datang sendirian. aku bersama Jessica ie, my partner in crime~
Dia juga seorang blogger dan memiliki blognya sendiri :)
Kita banyak banget foto-foto, dan buat yang penasaran ini lo foto"nya.
The famous spot to take a picture is this one.
Tempat yang paling banyak di pakai buat ambil foto itu yang ini.
Can you see in the picture below? many of them took a picture on "it"~
Bisa di lihat di gambar di atas, banyak banget yang foto di hits spotnya~
On the next post it will be about My Best Beauty Product on 2016!!
See ya in this 31 December ^ ^
Postingan berikutnya bakalan tentang Produk Make up Terbaik versi aku di 2016 ini!!!
Jangan luna check blog ku tang gal 31 December ini yea ^ ^
~ Bella Amanda ~
She also blogger and have her own blog :)
we took a picture in every spot in there, and just scroll down to see the picture.
Tentunya aku gak datang sendirian. aku bersama Jessica ie, my partner in crime~
Dia juga seorang blogger dan memiliki blognya sendiri :)
Kita banyak banget foto-foto, dan buat yang penasaran ini lo foto"nya.
Tempat yang paling banyak di pakai buat ambil foto itu yang ini.
Can you see in the picture below? many of them took a picture on "it"~
Bisa di lihat di gambar di atas, banyak banget yang foto di hits spotnya~
On the next post it will be about My Best Beauty Product on 2016!!
See ya in this 31 December ^ ^
Postingan berikutnya bakalan tentang Produk Make up Terbaik versi aku di 2016 ini!!!
Jangan luna check blog ku tang gal 31 December ini yea ^ ^
~ Bella Amanda ~