Lately, i've been thinking about "change".
It already exactly one year since i goes to South Korea. (Already came back to Indonesia on Mid of January 2016)
Well, like all of us know that time flies so fast. Hahaha...
Talking about change, In this post i will share about my new hair... Yeayy~ Some of you who follow my instagram account probably know what kind of new hair that i have now. :)
But since i dunno neither you follow me or not, I will explain it clearly (what kind of hair, how the process, where i make it, etc).
Belakangan ini aku sering memikirkan tentang "berubah". Uda tepat 1 tahun sejak keberangkatanku ke Korea Selatan. (Pada pertengahan January sudah kembali ke Indonesia) Dan ya, seperti yang kita semua tau. Waktu berjalan sangat cepat. hahaha...
Ngomong-ngomong soal berubah, di post kali ini aku bakalan share ke kalian tentang rambut baruku... Yeaayyy~ Beberapa dari kalian yang follow akunku di instagram mungkin udah tau model rambut baruku. :)
Tapi,karena aku ga tau apa kalian follow atau ga, aku bakalan jelasin (rambut kayak gimana, gimana prosesnya, dimana ngerjainnya, dll).
- Popular Korean Bangs (can be seen on the lead female actress on hits Korean drama that can be seen below).
- Poni yang populer ala Korea (bisa dilihat di pemeran utama wanita dalam beberapa Drama terkenal Korea seperti dibawah ini).
Song Hye Kyo : Descendants Of The Sun |
Park Shin Hye & Lee Sung Kyung : Doctors |
Han Hyo Joo : W "Two Worlds" |
Gu Hye Sun : Blood |
- Medium Hair : Since i always have long hair, and i dislike short hair cause i felt more chubby if have short hair. Have medium hair cut is a good option, still long but more fresh cause of cut.
- Rambut sedang : Aku selalu berambut panjang dan nggak suka rambut pendek karena merasa jadi tembem kalau rambut pendek. Memiiki potongan sedang adalah opsi yang menarik, masih panjang tapi terlihat lebih segar karena dipotong.
- Highlight : Blue and Pink. Ofc should bleaching first part of the hair that want to be coloured.
- Highlight : Biru dan Pink. Tentunya harus di bleaching dulu sebelum diaplikasikan warna.
Closer look of my hair (lihat lebih dekat) |
When they bleach my hair (ketika di bleaching) |
before colouring (sebelum di warnai) |
Result after bleaching (hasil dari bleaching) |
Result of curly permanent (basil keriting permanent) |
- Permanent Curly : Curly in here just for the bottom of the hair, not all.. > <
- Keriting permanen : Keriting disini hanya dibagian bawah rambut saja, bukan semuanya. > <
Then how long to make this kind of hair style???
Actually i've been visiting the saloon for 2 times, first is cutting hair and highlight, then second is curling. For cutting and highlighting hair took -+8 hours (it's depends on how many and how long your hair) and then for curling took -+2 hours. :)
Lalu berapa lama bikin gaya rambut kayak gini???
Sebenarnya aku ke salon 2 kali, pertama potong rambut & di highlight, yang kedua di keriting. Untuk potong dan highlight -+8 jam (tergantung seberapa banyak dan panjang rambut) dan untuk keriting sendiri -+2 jam. :)
from left side (tampak samping) |
- Braids : for this one it's just bonus from me, this kind of braids is really suit for you who have highlight hair, cause will makes your highlight more shown. :)
- Kepang : untuk yang satu ini bonus dari aku, kepangan kayak gini cocok buat yang punya rambut highligh-tan karena bakalan nonjolin rambut highlight kamu :)
Not just girl that doing their hair do in here, Guys also CAN!!!
and they also have a cafe inside the saloon, and i several times try beverages from their cafe (while doing hair do i drink). I've try green tea frappe, red velvet frappe, thai tea and mango yoghurt. From all the mango yoghurt is the most recommended from me ^ <
Nggak hanya cewe aja yang ke salon ini, COWOK Juga lho!!!
terus di salon etienne juga ada cafenya,aku uda beberapa kali coba minuman yang di jual di cafenya sambil nyalon minum gitu. Aku pernah coba green tea frappe, red velvet frappe, thai tea and yoghurt mangga. Diantara semuanya yang paling recomen dari aku sih yang yoghurt mangganya ^ <
ALL of this hair makeover was doing by professional hair dresser :)
cause it's hair i really careful about it, and i recommended you (if you want to dyed or do hair makeover) to goes to Etienne. It locate in Jl. Opak no 47- Surabaya, East Java. It will be better if make an appointment first before go, cause usually they full. ^ <
Phone : +6231 5684537 or +6231 5687163
Semua rangkaian diatas dilakukan sama profesional. :)
aku sangat hati-hati banget aplagi kalau menyangkut rambut, dan buat kamu yang mau warnai rambut atau mau ganti gaya lebih baik ke Etienne. Lokasinya di Jl. Opak no 47. Sebaiknya sebelum datang, buat janji dulu. Soalnya sering banget full. ^ <
Telp : +6231 5684537 or +6231 5687163
Cause life to short to have boring hair, right!?.. :P
Karena hidup terlalu singkat untuk memiliki rambut yang membosankan bukan?!... :P
Karena hidup terlalu singkat untuk memiliki rambut yang membosankan bukan?!... :P
Thank you for reading my blog, and see y on the next post~
Sincerely Bella Amanda~
Korean Drama : Descendants of the sun , W "Two Worlds", Doctors , Blood.
KPOP Style Trend Bangs Alert
Sincerely Bella Amanda~
Korean Drama : Descendants of the sun , W "Two Worlds", Doctors , Blood.
KPOP Style Trend Bangs Alert