Feeling to be in the Upside but it's in the Down....
This photo might be several times seen on the media social such as facebook or instagram. Some of you might curious where can took a shoot like that (or want to visit). Actually first Upide Down not located in Indonesia. But, now the first Up Side Down in Indonesia are build in Bali. You can experience the feels to be in the upside!!!
Foto yang kayak gini belakangan marak banget beredar di Facebook atau Instagram. Beberapa dari kalian pasti penasaran di mana sih tempatnya, atau pengen berkunjung. Nah, gaslinya tempay ini tu ga ada di Indonesia, Tapi sekarang di Bali ada!!! Upside Down, rasakan sensasi berada di atas (Up Side).
Entrance ticket fee just IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) 100.000 for mature and for Child IDR 50.000. This is one time entrance, but theres no limitation time for you to strolling around in the inside.First queue for purchase the ticket, then they will ask your name. They will calling your name if it’s your turn to go in. Tips from me : because of this place was new, many people came here. But the ticket on the early morning or in the lunch time, if you are lucky you just wait a few minutes then can go in. (This place open from - 8pm)
Then let's strolling around in the inside ^ ^
Untuk bisa masuk harga ticket yang harus di bayar IDR 100k untuk dewasa dan untuk anak-anak IDR 50k. Ticket ini sekali masuk dan TIDAK ADA batasan waktunya, jadi bisa lama -lama di dalam sana.
Jadi pertama-tama bakalan antri buat beli tiketnya dulu, ticketnya berbentuk kartu dan karena tempat ini baru jadi ramai banget yang antri!!! Saranku lebih baik kalian antri beli di pagi hari (tempat ini buka dari jam AM - 8pm) Atau sebelum jam makan siang datangnya (biar sepi). Kalau beruntung, kalian cuman nunggu bentas terus di panggil masuk. (Pada saat beli mereka pasti menanyakan nama yang nantinya akan di panggil oleh mereka, masuknya giliran berdasarkan nama yang di panggil.)
Ayo intip kedalamnya, seperti apa sih isinya.. ^ ^
Nggak usa khawatir, kalau bingung mau pose kayak gimana. Karena di setiap spot ada kakak-kakak yang bakalan bantu kamu buat ambil foto dan kasi rekomendasi pose-pose yang cocok dengan latarnya. :)
Mau ber 2/3 atau mau beramai-ramai, tempat ini seru guys! Termasuk dalam list yang harus dikunjungi kalau berkunjung ke Bali ^ <
Don’t panic, if you don’t know how to pose and need people who took picture for you and your friends (together) there’s some employee in the every spot that will help you too took a picture and give recommendation angle that suit to the background. :) Photo below are taken by help of their employee for the pose~
Even 2/3 or more than it, this place is fun guys! Added to be one that must to be visited if came to Bali ^ <
Not just Spot Up Side Down photo in there you also can find 2 3D spot for photo like below,
Nggak cumin spot foot Up Side Down aja, tapi di sini juga ada 2 spot 3D photo,
Interesting isn't??? This is the first time i came here. And i hope they will expand it in the future ^ < Then,Where is it??
Below is some comments of this place that I found on the internet. :)
And this is the Building looks like from outside, If you came here with car it will be difficult to get a parking.
Dan ini adalah foto bangunan dari luar, kalau ke sini naik mobil bakalan susah buat cari parkirnya.
Source From Google |
In their official instagram, they usually have photo competition and the winner will get fresh money.
Di instagram officianya mereke sering mengadakan lomba foto yang berhadiah uang lo>>
Now you already in the end,Thank you for reading or visiting my blog..
Don't forget to follow me on my Instagram Account : @Amandatorquise